Sunday, January 25, 2009

i'm not as good at this as i thought i was

So, as always, my plans fall through and i become a slacker. However, this week has been crazy busy & the next one will be just the same. We got our heat fixed before the big snow storm of 09 snowed for like 2 hours and didn't even stick, therefore I was at school while it was snowing. Definitely a first for me. Wednesday wasn't anything special; just school and work all day, story of my life! Thursday I had classes & worked for a few hours at school, then Laura & I went to the Rascal Flatts & Jessica Simpson concert! Honestly, I was pleasantly surprised with the out come. Since I'm not number one fans of either of them, I wasn't really expecting much. But the concert was great & I enjoyed spending some time with the roomie :) Even though I almost had to take out half of the people in the audience, I totally dominated & managed to snatch one of the huge balloon things that fell from the ceiling at the end.

Friday I, once again, managed to wait til the last possible moment to write a paper that was due that night. After that, I was ready to celebrate my hard work so Richard and I went to eat at TW Boon's & then we had some friends over later that night. Leslie & I are always freaking out about school work, so it was super nice to relax & kick back with her, her boyfriend, Boda, Laura, Kennedy & some others. I definitely paid for it Saturday morning, though, working alllll day up at Ultratan. :\ Note to self: next time you have to get up at 8 am, don't stay up until 4 that morning!! Needless to say, I took it easy Saturday night & hit the sack much earlier than I did the night before. I got to sleep in a little this morning, then shared a breakfast with Richard & then worked all afternoon. It was super busy, so I'm pretty much spent. I went the the 'rents house after work & did the fam thing for PJ & Steph's birthdays...and now I'm here. in my pj's. drinking coffe. trying to stay away long enough to do a little reading for school. I'll probably just put it off until tomorrow; I guess I haven't learned my lesson yet. One day! I've got to pick up my slack this week, because I'll definitely be out of commission next weekend on account of it being my birthday!! Countdown to celebratation commencement: t-minus 5 days! thats all for now from this worn-out, legal-to-be little girl! xoxo

Monday, January 19, 2009

hospitals, heatless, & snow

After having the heat running for over 24 hours straight, without it automatically turning off not even once, I woke up to a very frigid apartment. I decided to turn the heat off (it's like 20 degrees outside max) , and within 10 minutes it was already 2 degrees warmer. That was on Saturday. It's now Monday, and still no heat. To make it even better, they're calling for snow/flurries starting this evening lasting until about 2 tomorrow. fantastic...Being from the south, and having seen snow only a handful of times in my entire life, whenever there's a winter weather advisory we make it a pretty big deal down here. And of course my roommate& I are crossing our fingers for no school tomorrow. good luck with that one, my college is like the only one in the state of South Carolina that doesn't see a need to cancel class if there were tornadoes and blizzards and hurricanes all at once. Oh, well.
To back up a little more, on Friday, I was getting ready for work when, after hours of not replying to my texts, Richard sends me a text asking what I'm doing. When I tell him & ask him the same, I get a response that he's sitting in the hospital getting checked out. Needless to say, I absolutely freak out, especially when I learn that he had been at a house fire for over 2 hours. After that, he doesn't reply to anything else, which of coarse makes me even more worried. To top it off, one of his firefighter buddies calls me to ask about Richard (this is the same guy that I was about to call, to get reassurance that everything was ok). Because this guy was there & didn't know what was going on with Richard, I almost completely lose it-and I have to be at work in 15 minutes. Thankfully, I learn that he was taken just as a precautionary measure & he just had some pulled muscles or something in his back & chest, but he's still in some pain & slow to move. Hopefully, he'll hurry up and get better before long.
After that ordeal, I made it to work, my mind still frazzled because I wasn't sure what was going on. I learned that he was ok & ended up having a not too bad shift. By about 9, Richard felt well enough to come to Greenwood and we kept our plans to go to my friend's birthday party, which was really good because I got to see one of my best friends who I felt like I haven't seen in forever. I was so glad Cam got to make it down from Columbia! We ended up leaving a little early because Richard's back, but I still had a great time & loved seeing Cameron. Saturday, we were pretty lazy, and Richard did a lot of resting. It was a good day though, because we got to spend time with Mammy, which is rare, as well as his family & mine. Yesterday wasn't anything spectacular, I just worked at UT for the majority if the day, then had to be back up there 3 hours after I got off to drive everyone to a meeting in Greenville, which was like torture for all three of us from Greenwood. I booked it back home & then hit the sack as quick as I could, which still wasn't until about midnight.
Hopefully the office will be open today, even though it's MLK Jr day, and they can have someone fix out heat asap! Until then its time for me to go crawl under the covers & finish my hot chocolate while I was a little tv... and keep my fingers crossed for lots and lots of snow & no school!

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Here we go...

OK, so this is my very first blog, and I'm not too sure about this whole thing. I've been following some college mates blogs, and on top of me always wanting to make one, I finally decided to make myself give it a try. Hopefully, with lots of practice, I will become a much better writer, as well as an advanced blogger! I'm not too sure how to go about this, but I guess it's worth a try.
School just started Monday, and I think I'm going to really like this semester, for the most part. Since I'm in my 3rd semester at Lander, I've finally gotten to know some great people in my program & I'm actually enjoying school now. I still miss Clemson, much more than I ever let on, and still wonder almost everyday if this really was the best decision for me. However, I know deep down that I'm in the right spot. I've kept the same major going on three semesters now, which is record for me haha. I've gotten a good many of my GenEd classes out of the way during the past three years, so last semester & this semester I've been in mainly Education classes, which I'm growing to love more and more each day. I tried to start out the semester ahead & on task, but feel as if I've already started sliding. Not a good sign for the third day of school! Let's hope I can keep up the work. I'm really only worried about one class, which just so happens to be history. My daddy always says history should be easy because everything's already happened...but it's just not my cup of tea. Hopefully, I can keep up with my reading and at least stay somewhat on track. Unlike last semester, I'm not stuck at school until late, so I actually got out before 3 today & even made time for the gym. It felt great to go run a few desperately needed miles, especially since I've been slacking terribly for the past few months. I know it wasn't much, but coming from the girl who despises running so much I quit cross-country half-way through the season my sophomore year in high school, it felt great to get on the treadmill. Other than that, I've been pretty much useless all day. Oh well, hopefully I'll be worth a little more tomorrow! But for now, it's time for this early bird to get to bed so I can manage to be somewhat awake for my 8 a.m. class least it's with my favorite teacher ever!