Wednesday, April 1, 2009


it has been for-ev-er since i've done this...i've been driving myself crazy i've been so busy (and partially lazy)...but i can finally see the light at the end of the tunnel! i've realized that i'm only going to graduate a semester behind...and that last semester will be my student teaching so it's not like i'll be at school the whole time anyways...i was pretty excited when i found that out, since i figured i had at least another 2 full years. :) but as soon as i realized that, i became overwhelmed with all of the stuff that i've still got left to do! my first half of screening is this Friday, so I'm pretty anxious about being stuffed into a classroom with 40 something other education majors and given an hour to write an essay, which I have no clue what its about and won't know until we start writing. ugh! on the other hand, I've only got about 3 weeks of classes left for this semester...but my to-do list is longer than ever! I'm up to my neck in lesson plans, papers, presentations, and clinical observations to write...this whole teacher thing is goin to require me to work on my horrible procrastination habits!! it seems like i can't ever find time for all my school work because i'm always working...i've been pulling 13 hour days about twice a week for probably over a month...between classes & both of my jobs i'm always on the go constantly. i'm so ready for a break...however, among all of this stress, i have managed to find a little time for "academic enrichment";) it's be awesome to start hanging back out with my old bff who i've missed being inseperable with!
it seems the past couple days that i've been happier than ever! and i love it! even beyond being stressed beyond belief, my amazing boyfriend has still managed to have patience with me (for the most part) and encourage me. know that i have someone who supports me so much has made me so incredibly happy! i'm not sure why...but something just hit me right smack in my hard head the other day, and i've been able to come to accept some things that I've been super worried about. God has definitel sent Richard to me, and spoken to me about several things. and I'm so blessed to be surrounded by such awesome people!
I guess I've done enough procrastinating and should probably try to get a little school work done while i'm sitting at my desk doing nothing at work...hopefully i'll put some more updates before long!
love: me!