Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Monday, September 28, 2009


When it rains, it pours. However, God has never thrown me into a storm without carrying the umbrella. Never ending faith and lots of prayers get me through many things. I'm not a strong person, but through the many hurdles I am getting ready to jump I hope to become stronger. Sometimes things happen, and it makes me question why certain things happen to some people. People who don't deserve anything less than the best. But then, I am reminded that these people are so good and full of God's love, that God hands these big struggles only to those people that He knows can handle them. Some people go through some of the worst possible experiences, all while keeping their head up and giving all the glory to God.
One of my favorite bible verses is Hebrews 11:1
"Now faith is being sure of what we hope for, and certain of what we do not see."
I have found a whole new meaning in this verse.
No matter what happens, I'll never loose faith.

baby girl

As promised, here are a couple of my favorite pictures of Babygirl. After showing us straight from the start that she was in charge, little Isabelle was transferred & had some tests run. Luckily, God allowed everything to be fine and Izzy is home with her mommy and daddy, and everyone is safe and healthy!!

These next few weeks will be action packed- to say the least! I have a ton of school work, and two big events going on. One of which, Richard leaves for basic. T-Minus 16 days until he's government property. Lots of prayers will be appreciated for him, as well as another big obstacle that we are going to conquer over the next several months!!


Tuesday, September 22, 2009

did ya miss me?!

Since I haven't done anything with this in ohh about 2356493 years, let's try again. School is back in full swing, and I'm starting to see more of the teacher side than the student side. Yesterday was the big day for us early childhood gals; we got our pins & our placements at our first big clinical! I have a K5 class at a school about 45 minutes away, and I can't tell whether I'm more nervous or excited. Hopefully I'll be in the school before next week, so lets hope those kindergartners don't eat me alive!
On another note, Richard leaves for basic training in 22 days. I know they say its tough being in the Army, but you should try being on the other end of it! I'm not so sure Army Strong even does it justice to describe how brave I'm trying to be. Good thing God has this in his hands! :)
I'm about to head on out to Charleston to go meet my brand new neice, and I'm oh so excited! More blogs and pictures to follow!