Tuesday, August 30, 2011

I made it!

Well, I survived my first week of preschool...although, there were several times when I doubted that I would. Man, 3 year olds are tough! I thought having 8 sweet babies in my class would be a piece of cake. I. Was. Wrong. I pick on G constantly for having gray hair; but after last week, I'm pretty sure I won't have any room to talk soon. :/ Although I was doubting my abilities [[and sanity]] by midweek, I managed to survive with my sanity (partially) intact.
However, this week has been MUCH better!! After an okay weekend, I got into school mode Sunday night, and was actually looking forward to seeing my darling little ones Monday morning. I know my mindset definitely helped, because Monday actually quite great; and I ab-sol-lutely loathe Mondays. After work, I went and cooked with my long lost Olive, whom I've hardly seen since graduation. It was so nice to spend the afternoon and evening catching up with each other, as well as playing Paula Deen (sans the sticks of butter). And to top it off, I had an awesome catch up sesh with my bestie from Clemson, who I haven't talked to in over a month. And now I'm wondering how that was humanly possible. This girl and I used to be connected at the hip, I don't even recall life without her, much less how I ever went so long without chatting! She shared some very exciting news, and I am beyond stoked for her and where her life is going!
Today was pretty grand as well, and I feel as if I'm actually making progress with my kiddos {knock on wood}. After spending all afternoon and evening attempting to map out what exactly I'll be putting in the minds of these little ones all year, I'm still overwhelmed, somewhat organized, and worn slap out.
Therefore, it's time for this chick to climb in the bed and read a few pages of the book I started today before I drift off to dreamland!
the lovely linz

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